Work Package 6: Collaboration, Communication and Dissemination
The key objective of this WP is to strengthen the community building between members of the supply chain and stakeholders. The goal is to gain future users trust from science and industry by means of expanding the ESS community and network. In regards to communications the objective is to raise awareness for ESS as the role model for managing large-scale In-kind Contributions to Research Infrastructures. By raising awareness for ESS, the member states will be supported in their decision making process for joining other international projects which will be built in partnership. In addition these communication measures will support the exchange of best practice among Research Infrastructures, which are built with a significant amount of In-kind Contributions.
Task 6.1: Collaboration building and outreach
The goal of this task is to gain future users trust from science and industry. Task 6.1 is a complementary activity to Task 2.4. By following the cluster approach it is ensured that not only the ESS ownership among shareholders and stakeholders in the Partner Countries gets strengthened, but also that the impact of the IKC and QA coordination gets maximised. Each Cluster is coordinated by a cluster manager.
Task 6.2: Enlargement of membership
New Partner development is not currently a planned process in ESS. There have been expressions of interest from potential new members. The vision of WP 6, Task 6.2 is to determine a systematic process for engaging with potential new partners, and then apply that process to attract new members. By having a clear approach, it will enable the partner stakeholders and ESS stakeholders to consider the relative criteria for new members joining and align with ESS criteria for accepting new members.
Task 6.3: Strengthening the ILO Network (ESS)
The aim of this task is to expand the ESS Industrial Liaison Officers (ILOs) Network into a trans-national innovation-mediating entity. Each ESS Member States has the right to appoint an ILO to represent the Member States national industry and the traditional ILO-role is to distribute ESS call-for-tenders to relevant national companies. We want the ESS ILO Network to develop into an active group of interlinked persons to disseminate advanced technological information from ESS to companies and to initiate industrial innovation in companies ensuring that knowledge gained through participation in ESS construction will lead to more industrial competitiveness.
Task 6.4 Communication and Dissemination of results
Through a number of communication tools and materials, BrightnESS will be communicated for internal and external audiences, such and science and academia, industry, and the general public, through channels such as a website, social media, events and media relations.