MS40: 2nd Outreach Activity Plans for each Cluster
Jun 14, 2016
Like for the first year, BrightnESS overall outreach activity plan integrates the input provided by every regional hub with the guidelines proposed by WP 6 coordination team.
The activities for the second year of the project (September 2016 – August 2017) merge specific regional outreach events, with activities shared across all the hubs.
Among others, the plan includes:
- Regular updates for ESS and BrightnESS digital channels for a brief status report on the In-Kind collaboration between a partner institute and the ESS project (instrument, target, accelerator, infrastructure, administration, etc.)
- Promotion of the industrial use of neutrons through the dissemination of existing R&D opportunities (for example, SINE 2020 Industry Call)
- Participation to national Neutron Scattering Societies/Associations meetings, workshops, physics schools, and scientific conferences.