First SINE2020 workshop on Data Treatment
The first workshop of the SINE2020 (Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe in 2020) collaboration on Data Treatment was held at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) in Switzerland on April 4-5, 2016. The workshop was organised by Anders Kaestner from PSI and the Work Package (WP) Leader, Thomas H. Rod from ESS. The workshop counted 26 participants who were a mix of scientists, developers, and managers.
Participants reported on the status of their work and the member facilities presented the software programmes, which the WP will focus on.
Current work on providing DFT based analysis software for muons and on Standard and Guidelines was also presented. Participants noted that the techniques employed for the presented programs were strikingly similar, pointing to an emerging software development standard within the field and hence favouring inter-operability.
After the presentations, participants discussed how to coordinate these activities for neutron scattering and neutron transmission techniques. The workshop provided a space for fruitful discussions and knowledge sharing between the development teams from the different facilities, as well as between scientists and developers.
The second Data Treatment workshop will be held next year. On the agenda is the presentation of guidelines and standards, and how they should be used to exploit and interface with the software developed in the WP.
SINE2020 is a consortium of 18 partner institutions from 12 countries, funded by the European Union through the H2020 programme. The project is part of a number of collaborative projects of BrightnESS.