
Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe in 2020 (SINE2020)

SINE2020 is a consortium of 18 partner institutions from 12 countries, funded by the European Union through the H2020 programme. The project has two objectives: preparing Europe for the unique opportunities at the European Spallation Source (ESS) in 2020, and   developing the innovation potential of neutron Large Scale Facilities (LSF’s). The Industry Consultancy initiative of SINE2020 invites applications from Industry for the use of European neutron sources for test measurements or feasibility studies. More information about neutron techniques and application process can be found here. Contact SINE2020 Industry Consultancy at industry [at]

Visit the SINE2020 website.


ERIC Forum Implementation Project

In November 2017, ESS together with all existing ERICs signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the establishment of the ERIC Forum. The forum aims to facilitate a structural exchange of best practices and ideas between the ERICs on issues of common interest. It allows the participating ERICs to speak with one voice at European level, work together on scientific and technical topics, and undertake common public relations and outreach events. The European Spallation Source contributes to the Forum by sharing experience and best practices with respect to IKC management and socio-economic impact assessment. The European Spallation Source will harness the knowledge shared in the Forum for the benefit of activities planned under BrightnESS2.

Visit the ERIC Forum website.


Research Infrastructure Impact Assessment Pathways (RI-PATHS)

Charting Impact Pathways of Investment in Research Infrastructures (RI-PATHS) is a project funded under the INFRASUPP-2017-1 call. The project aims to develop a model describing the socio-economic impact of research infrastructures and of their related financial investments. By propagating the metrics developed for the socio-economic impact assessment of ESS, BrightnESS2 will create synergies with RI Impact Pathways and contribute to the development of a standardised international approach.

Visit the RI-PATHS website.



ACCELERATE is a Horizon 2020 project, supporting the long-term sustainability of large-scale research infrastructures (RIs) through the development of policies and legal and administrative tools for a more effective management and operation of RIs, with a special focus on ERICs and CERIC in particular. To help secure RIs’ sustainability, relevance and effectiveness, the project develops frameworks to improve the offer of tailored services to private and public entities, ensuring outreach to new scientific and industrial communities worldwide and defining common protocols for monitoring and assessing RIs’ socio-economic impact. Finally, a major focus is on capacity building to develop current and future RIs’ staff competences in the field of management, Industrial Liaison and Technology Transfer.

Visit the ACCELERATE website.