Tania Claudio Weber
Tania Claudio Weber
Tania Claudio Weber works at the ESS Competence Centre at the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science. She is a Brazilian living in Germany, married with two kids and has lived in seven different countries, with years of experience in science, engineering, entrepreneurship and project management. In BrightnESS, Tania works as an In-Kind Field Coordinator.
- I did my PhD at Jülich three years ago and now I came back to work at Jülich with the BrightnESS project, where I work as a Project Manager and In-Kind Field Coordinator. During my job interview, I did a presentation about ESS and its challenges, where I used my experience with project and risk management.
Much of my daily work consists of running around and talking to lots and lots of people. In this way I get a lot of information to evaluate which risks are associated with in-kind contributions. Many of the risks are related to communication, so I try to put people in contact with each other, hold meetings etc. This morning, for instance, I organised a meeting between the instrument scientists at Jülich and PSI.
What I like most about BrightnESS is that I get to do project management, which I really like to do. My position involves both science and project management, which is a perfect combination for me, as I get to speak to a number of different persons within engineering and science. I find my job very challenging and I tell my boss every day “give me a new challenge”!
I think it is great how BrightnESS will contribute to the neutron community in so many ways. WP6 is doing a great job with communicating to industry, together with SINE2020 and the detector work is essential for working less with helium-3 detectors in the future. And of course, working with management of in-kind and risk mitigation is a key factor. ESS is one of the biggest in-kind projects, everything is new, and BrightnESS is helping along the way.