Roberto Pugliese
Roberto Pugliese
Roberto Pugliese of Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, is a computer scientist and, as a certified project and portfolio manager, he coordinates Elettra's Technology Platform. He is also involved in task 2.2. where he will contribute to a platform that offers interactive, real-time management information to cover key in-kind activities in ESS.
What is your role in BrightnESS?
I’m leading the participation of Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste in the BrightnESS project. Moreover I’m actively involved in the IT related deliverables. In particular, in the development of the In-Kind contribution Information System (WP2) and in the development of the Data Aggregator.
Could you describe one of your typical workdays?
As a responsible for all the Elettra efforts in BrightnESS I have to be response-able … which means that I have to solve the small administrative and technical problems involving day by day the Elettra BrightnESS team. In these days I’m actively involved in the preparation of the requirements document for the In-Kind contribution Information system.
What do you like the most about the BrightnESS project?
I really like the climate that you can breath in the BrightnESS projects which really facilitates the collaboration.
What are for you, personally, the key challenges within the BrightnESS project?
The greatest challenge of BrightnESS is our capability to really impact in the implementation of ESS … as if we were oil for a formula one motor gears.