Richard Hall-Wilton - WP4
Richard Hall-Wilton - WP4
Richard Hall-Wilton is the Detector Group Leader at ESS and Work Package leader of BrightnESS WP4.
- The key objective of WP4 is the technological evolution of moderators and neutron detectors in terms of resolution, intensity and dimensions. The task objectives are to develop and enable building improved neutron detectors with extended performance for six instruments, the integration of neutron detectors into the ESS instrument suite, and to improve understanding of moderator physics, developments of engineering solution for novel moderator designs and gain operational experience.
During BrightnESS, we have shown high resolution for neutron imaging, demonstrated detector on state-of-art neutron beamlines (CNCS at SNS and CRISP at ISIS), and tested detectors at the Source Facility available at Lund University.
We have also done moderator testing and submitted 30 publications to academic journals so far in the project.