Margit Fabian
Margit Fabian
Margit Fabian of the Budapest Neutron Centre (BNC) is the leader of the South-East Regional Hub under Work Package 6, which focuses on collaboration building and communications related activities in Hungary and Italy. As a chemist-physicist having a background in material science and nuclear waste management. Margit is also affiliated with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest.
What is your role in BrightnESS?
The Work Package (WP) 6, Collaboration Building, Communication and Dissemination, was divided to Hubs, the South East Hubs cover the Hungarian and Italian region. BNC and Elettra are the major RI HUBs in Hungary and Italy. I’m the BNC task-leader for WP6.
Could you describe one of your typical workdays?
There is no typical day for most scientists. My typical working day begins at 7.00 a.m. First of all I check my inbox and reply the emails. I check my calendar and I start to the most important things. Now when our research reactor operate it’s important to use the beam-time for the measurements. I’m the instrument scientist of the two-axis neutron diffractometer, which is operated in the frame of the Budapest Neutron Centre. I check the current experimental measurements, and design another measurements for a new sample or take the data for evaluation. Currently I manage an MSc student who now write his dissertation, we recently talking about the structure and research design of the dissertation. Thanks to a recent successful tender, we build a new sample environmental cell to the PSD diffractometer, where we can study different materials under ‘extreme’ conditions (high temperature and high pressure). Designed my own ideas. Before the installation, nowadays we do the first real tests, it is very exciting. After lunch I spend a lot of time with evaluation of the measurements, writing article or research proposal for another instrument or to put together a new tender. Because I’m the president of Diffraction Committee of the Roland Eötvös Society of Physics and the secretary of Hungarian Nuclear Society, after official working hours I'm dealing with different matters connected to this societies.
What do you like the most about the BrightnESS project?
For me professionally is important to see and to feel how is developing the one of the largest European project, how we build up the ESS. I’m excited to take part such kind of motivated and innovative team, who step-by-step serve the success of the ESS. Very short: the team, diversity of tasks, we serve a great purpose, we engaged to form the future.
What are for you, personally, the key challenges within the BrightnESS project?
Effective communication with team members and stakeholders, Management and synchronization of our Hub projects, to keep the deadlines.