Javier Losada
Javier Losada
Javier Losada is chief financial officer at ESS Bilbao. He graduated in Economics from the Universidad del Pais Vasco and has an MBA from the Universidad de Deusto. Javier worked several years in the Oil & Gas sector dealing with financial responsibilities at different levels. Also, he has worked in a multinational aerospace corporation at headquarters as Administrative manager. Javier joined ESS Bilbao in the beginning of the project, 11 years ago.
- My daily work is identifying opportunities and risks at ESS Bilbao, analysing the financial subjects, and reporting to the Chief Executive Officer. I have been involved in the BrightnESS Project since the beginning. The goals are quite challenging and the achievements that has already taken place, are to the benefit of the whole scientific community.
My contribution to the Project relates to the financial and management aspects in the Iberia Hub, where I bring administrative support. Administrative issues in BrightnESS are impressive, their concerns include, but are not limited to fiscal, logistic, outreach activities, bridging local partners to a big Project as ESS is, human resources management…, and we are only the Iberia Hub!
From my point of view, the coordination of so many different issues across of so many different European countries is challenging but also very motivating. If there had not been a project as BrightnESS is, we would have had invent it! Having dealt with various issues will lead to new lessons learnt, knowhow acquired and a step further into cooperation between all of us - this will pave the way to the scientific neutron community.