Hanno Perrey
Hanno Perrey
Hanno Perrey of the Lund University studied physics with a focus on particle physics at the University of Hamburg, Germany, as well as at Uppsala University, Sweden. He has received his PhD in 2011 from Hamburg University where he measured jet cross-sections in electron-proton collisions at the ZEUS experiment atHERA and studied x-ray-induced radiation damage in silicon sensors for the XFEL. Since 2015 he has been employed as a senior post-doc at the University of Lund where he is responsible for developing and operating the Source Testing Facility. He is currently collaborating for task 4.4., Detector Realisation.
What is your role in BrightnESS?
I am the task leader of work package 4.4: Detector Realization
Could you describe one of your typical workdays?
I am developing and managing the Source Testing Facility at the Division of Nuclear Physics at Lund University which results in a wide spectrum of day-to-day tasks: from supporting users of the facility in their studies of neutron detector performance to installing new equipment. In practice, this means that my morning could be spent discussing intricate details of a data acquisition system and my afternoon putting up shelves for storage. Of course, I also actively use the resources of the facility for such diverse projects as detector characterization and shielding studies using "tagged" neutrons and, perhaps most importantly, student education.
What do you like the most about the BrightnESS project?
Without a doubt, the freedom associated with the project. I enjoy working in cross-disciplinary collaborations and tackling problems from different perspectives.
What are for you, personally, the key challenges within the BrightnESS project?
The development and on-time delivery of novel neutron-detection technologies! In my role as manager of the Source Testing Facility I'll see first neutrons on essentially every detector prototype envisioned for ESS. The challenge will then of course be the journey from prototype to instrument.