Antoine Dael
Antoine Dael
Antoine Dael’s education is within Electrical Engineering and he graduated from the French High School “Supelec” in 1970. His professional skills are within accelerator magnets (GANIL , SOLEIL) and Superconducting magnets. The most important project for Antoine has been the design and prototyping of the Barrel toroid Magnet of the CERN experiment ATLAS.
Antoine has been Head of the Accelerator, Cryogenics and Magnetism Department at CEA Saclay, a unit of 130 people, from 2005 to 2014. Now, he is concentrating on the ILO functions for CERN and ESS.
- In 2013, I was invited to take part to BrightnESS by Ute Gunsenheimer from ESS and Juliette Forneris from DTI. BrightnESS gave us the possibility to hire Mrs Florence RAGON and we are working together to support the French industrial Network and to liaise with other ILOs, where event organization is an important aspect of our activity.
The BrightnESS project offers numerous opportunities to work with other European countries and to understand all the aspects of their culture. We have in mind to help French colleagues involved in the technical contributions with our knowledge and understanding of ESS as a whole scientific goal.
I see the main challenges of the BrightnESS project as 1) To follow up of the ESS tenders. We have to make sure that we understand the procurement strategy and 2) The preparation of the installation on site for non-ESS people involved in this activity.
The main defect of BrightnESS is to be limited in time. We make a lot of efforts to build up networks and networking activities and when BrightnESS is finished there is no solution to keep all that in steady state.
I have not been involved in the scientific WP of BrightnESS but I am confident that these WP are consistent with the scientific goals.