11th Central European Training School on Neutron Techniques
The 11th Central European Training School on Neutron Techniques was held between 8 - 12 May, by the Budapest Neutron Centre (consortium of MTA Wigner Research Centre for Physics and MTA Centre for Energy Research). The primary aim of the school was to provide insight into the neutron beam based structure analysis of the materials on a theoretical and practical level.
This year, the school hosted 29 participants (PhD students, post-doc students and researchers) from 13 countries (Argentina, Bulgaria, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Portugal, Russia, Romania, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom), who have shown great interest in learning the basics of the theory, practice and data treatment of neutron science. During the CETSchool, Ferenc Mezei and Esko Oksanen from ESS, gave an up-to-date presentation about the ESS project and presented opportunities about the ESS and the CERIC framework. Students also received information on BrightnESS and a special Handbook for the laboratory work.
The 10 hours of theoretical training was given, besides BNC staff, by the researchers from ILL-France, ESS-Sweden, JINR-Russia, and HZB-Berlin. Employing the BNC neutron facilities 15 hours of practical training were conducted focusing on scattering techniques, such as small angle neutron scattering, neutron diffraction, neutron reflectometry, prompt gamma activation analysis and neutron radiography.
On the last day of the school the students presented their own research via short, three minutes talks and posters as well. In the end, they received their well-earned certificates. Special awards were given for the most active participants.