Fiamma García-Toriello
Fiamma García-Toriello
Fiamma García-Toriello is the Infrastructures and Transversal Services Manager at ESS-Bilbao. She has a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering with a major in construction. She is responsible for all the infrastructures and conventional facilities of ESS-Bilbao, necessary for the design, manufacture and testing of the components of the Spanish In Kind contribution. Fiamma has more than 10 years of experience in Project Management. She worked for more than 6 years in an international Engineering Company, being in charge of large construction projects. In Brightness Fiamma is working as In-Kind Field Coordinator for Iberia Hub in WP2.
- I have been working many years as a Project Manager and therefore it was natural that I joined WP2 as an In-Kind Field Coordinator for the Iberia Hub. My role is to keep track of technical progress of the Spanish In-Kind deliveries to ESS. My work includes identifying risks and possible delays or cost overruns of the In-Kind deliveries.
I also support the preparation of the Technical Annex and the identification of possible new in-kind contributions for Spain. I am involved in deliveries, transport, quality and installation. All this work includes many coordination activities. I am in contact with all the In-Kind Work Package Leaders, to help support all their activities and contribute to the communication between ESS and ESS Bilbao.
At ESS Bilbao, we are two people working as Field Coordinators. I enjoy our sparring and the contact with the other Field Coordinator in our weekly video conferences. I enjoy being in contact with the people from the other countries in WP2, as they do similar work in different organisations. This helps to improve my project management skills, as constructing the ESS is a big challenge! I see BrightnESS and especially the international collaboration as a good experience for my own career.
In WP2, our goal is to get all the pieces together to have the ESS ready on time and by the schedule, so that is definitely, our largest challenge, with so many partners and different In-Kind deliveries.