ESS and neutron physics featured at Physics@Veldhoven
At the event Physics@Veldhoven on January 17 and 18, 2017, over 2000 scientists gathered to discuss the latest achievements in the scientific world. RID, the Reactor Institute Delft, attracted a large audience at this meeting by giving a live demonstration of the simulation of the rotation of a neutron, with its magnetic spin, in a varying magnetic field, the so-called Larmor precession.
In this way, the scientists were made enthusiast to start thinking of making use of neutrons, either at the reactor in Delft (RID-TUD) or e.g. ISIS or other neutron sources. In line with the BrightnESS programme, the presenters Jeroen Plomp, Michel Thijs and Toon Verhoeven also gave quite a bit of emphasis to the future use of ESS.
Many aspects of physics in the Netherlands were on the programme, amongst them an overview of the Dutch contribution to the recent measurements of gravitational waves presented by prof. Jo van den Brand.
Physics@Veldhoven takes place each year in January. It is a large congress that provides a topical overview of physics in the Netherlands. Traditionally, young researchers are given the chance to present themselves and their work alongside renowned names from the Dutch and international physics community.