Food Science Meets Neutron and X-Ray Scattering Techniques
Research facilities like ESS and MAX IV can make a significant contribution to food safety, health and environmental sustainability by providing more sophisticated non-destructive analysis techniques necessary to understand the complex structure of food and its ingredients.
With the objective of fostering new research collaborations between the food industry and academia, the University of Lund hosted the 4th Neutrons and Food conference.
“Previous editions of the conference (Sydney 2010, Delft in 2012, and Paris in 2014) demonstrated the need for an ongoing venue for dialogue between the food and scattering communities” says ESS scientist Andrew Jackson, member of the organizing committee.
Attended by 40 scientists and industry representatives, the conference provided talks on ongoing research using scattering methods, as well as discussions of problems where scattering methods may be applicable.
In 2018 the workshop will return to Sydney, and include some reports of progress on questions and projects that were presented in Lund.