Workshop for Field Coordinators: Building on best practices
This was the third one in a series of workshops organised since the beginning of the project. The previous ones were held in February 2019 at FZJ, Jülich and September 2019 at ESS, Lund. The third workshop was attended remotely by the staff of the In-Kind Group of ESS and the Field Coordinators at the Partners Institutes.
The presentations and the relevant discussions were characterised by a practical approach, aiming at defining the most appropriate ways to:
- Map the best practices already developed and implemented, and identify the Partners that are implementing each practice,
- Work out processes and procedures currently implemented or in development, that could be characterised as best practices in the future.
During the workshop a number of proposals to strengthen the collaboration across the different Hubs was discussed. The participants proposed to dedicate some of the biweekly meetings of Field Coordinators and ESS to specific topics and organise them in the form of mini-workshops. The group also discussed the idea to transform the Field Coordinators' Network into a permanent pan-European association for the management of In-Kind Contributions.