LENS and BrightnESS² release Neutron Science in Europe
For many years Europe has had a powerful ecosystem of neutron facilities that was the envy of the world; supporting an expert community of researchers, and delivering science, innovation and competitive advantage through economic impact for European society.
However, the European neutron ecosystem is experiencing a period of significant change and has been destabilised following the closure of a number of facilities.
Neutron Science in Europe, published as a joint initiative of the BrightnESS2 project and LENS Initiative, presents the current landscape for neutrons in Europe and addresses the challenges and opportunities for European neutron science to remain a key contributor in addressing current and future societal challenges.
The landmark document is a deliverable of work package 2 of the Horizon 2020 BrightnESS² project, and is published on behalf of LENS.
Please visit the LENS website to view and download the document.