Current Landscape and Future Direction for Neutron Scattering in South Africa
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The connections between the South African neutron user community and European neutron sources have multiplied significantly over the course of the BrightnESS and BrightnESS² projects. Embedding South African facilities Necsa SOC Ltd. and NRF-iThemba LABS as partners in BrightnESS² WP2 has ensured that the scientific collaborations between European neutron sources and South Africa have established the sustainability of the relationship and its benefits beyond the end of the project.
The hands-on research performed as part of WP2’s engineering pilot project for a common Neutron Quality Label, together with the stakeholder engagement efforts in WP5, have also embedded the South African user community into the consciousness and workflow of the European one, and vice-versa. Necsa and iThemba LABS have used BrightnESS² support to facilitate the groundwork for South Africa’s national neutron strategy on behalf of South Africa’s Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) as coordinated by Chief Director, Basic Sciences and Infrastructure Daniel Adams.
The full analysis of the South African strategy relative to ESS is presented in BrightnESS² D2.4, Report on user needs in South Africa, delivered in June 2021. The report was used to advise the DSI towards their consideration on the level and extent of the South African neutron scientists support required, as well as international facility access, to facilitate and drive neutron science in South Africa as an imperative component and contributor to a knowledge-based economy in the short, medium and long terms. The report’s ultimate recommendation, aligned with the South African government’s Vision 2030 strategic objectives, is that “the South African government… explore the formation of an official partnership with the ESS to ensure that the South African training, research interests and capabilities (such as access to deuteration facilities) can be expanded and stimulated.”
From the introduction to the report:
This publication is an output from South Africa’s active participation within Work Package 2 of BrightnESS², aimed at “Establishing a common roadmap and implementation strategy for future neutron capability”. Benefits to the South African research community include establishing contacts with international counterparts, familiarisation of typical applications and access to the European neutron science community and facilities. Within the BrightnESS² consortium, the South African partners, Necsa SOC Ltd. and NRF-iThemba LABS, facilitated the engagement of the science community on behalf of the Department of Science and Innovation (Basic Sciences and Infrastructure), to promote neutron science in South Africa as an imperative component and contributor to a knowledge-based economy in the short, medium and long term. This was accomplished with workshop sessions held in South Africa during August 2019, followed by ten topical on-line mini-symposia held virtually from September 2020 to January 2021. The overall objectives with these events were to engage the South African neutron community, attract new interest, to assess short and long term needs, as well as identify modalities for international access, with special interest in the European neutron landscape and the European Spallation Source ERIC (ESS) that is being established in Sweden as the future premier Neutron Scattering facility.