LENS initiatives highlighted in CERN Courier
Apr 27, 2020
In a new essay in the CERN Courier, LENS Chair Helmut Schober highlights the enormous potential for growth in Europe’s world-leading neutron science ecosystem.
The CERN Courier has published a policy piece by LENS Chair Helmut Schober, Director of Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), that highlights the enormous potential for growth in Europe’s world-leading neutron science ecosystem.
ESS under construction in Lund, Sweden, February 2020. PHOTO: ESS |
The essay emphasises the essential contributions neutrons will make at each stage of the innovation chain that will drive the coming green wave of technological development in Europe.
In spite of last year’s closures of research reactors in France, Germany and Norway that have set back Europe’s neutron capacity, Schober is optimistic about the future of neutron science. In the essay, he sketches out the necessary components for a healthy future that include:
- Securing the scientific, technical and economic futures of ILL, the UK’s ISIS Neutron & Muon Source and the FRM-II reactor at Munich’s Heinz-Maier Leibnitz centre for neutron research;
- ensuring the rapid ramp-up of operations at the European Spallation Source;
- and developing the compact accelerator-based neutron source (CANS) initiatives at CEA-Saclay and the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science.