RI.Logistica: Setting the Scene
Apr 6, 2021
To open the RI.Logistica conference, experts and high-level speakers from academia, research infrastructures and international organisations will introduce the latest trends in logistics and supply chain management. They will share how the field has been affected due to the on-going global pandemic and how they have quickly adapted to the situation and developed new ways of working.
How has the logistics trade evolved over time? What is a UNICEF Supply Chain Maturity Model and is it applicable to research infrastructures? How do we manage users’ expectations? What are the key challenges in building a Big Science facility? Our speakers will address these and many other curious questions during Session 1 on 19 May 2021 between 9:25-11:00 CET.
Speakers and topics of Session 1: Setting the Scene
- Latest trends in logistics research, Wolfgang Stölzle, Managing Director for the Institute of Supply Chain Management, University of St. Gallen
- Moving goods in a locked-down world, Jean-Cédric Meeùs, Chief Transport Centre, UNICEF Supply Division
- Building a Big Science facility, Xavier Barcons, Director-general, European Southern Observatory
- Managing users’ expectations, Helmut Schober, Director, Institut Laue-Langevin, EIROforum Chair
The RI.Logistica conference is an online event designed for research infrastructures, their users and collaborators, companies in the supply chain management, and governmental authorities to discuss all aspects of logistics critical for research facilities and laboratories.
Register here.