RI.Logistica: It's YOUR turn to MOVE: Sharing Best Practice
An experienced and diverse group of organisations will kick-off this session by sharing their challenges and best practices with the audience. There will then be an interactive session where the organisers would like to hear from the participants about the logistics challenges they have faced and how they have overcome them.
How do we define best practice? How do we repeat success? How can we secure a common understanding and standardise best practice? We will look for answers to these and many more curious questions during Session 4 titled “It’s YOUR turn to MOVE: Sharing Best Practice”.
Join us on 19 May 2021 for Session 4 between 15:30-17:00 CEST to listen to the following panellists:
- Inger Jennings, Access and Logistics Officer, Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS)
- Ben Slee, Head of Transportation Group, Fusion for Energy / ITER
- Cédric Garino, Group Leader Services & Supply Chain, European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN)
- Terje Aunevik, Strategic Development Manager, Pole Position Logistics
- François Genevey, ITER Director Transport Project, Daher
- Moderator of this session will be Jörgen Larsson Senior Logistics Officer, European Spallation Source ERIC
The RI.Logistica conference is an online event designed for research infrastructures, their users and collaborators, companies in the supply chain management, and governmental authorities to discuss all aspects of logistics critical for research facilities and laboratories.
Register here.