RI.Logistica: Handle with Care: Fragile & Precious Arts
We will hear from a museum, a research infrastructure and an insurance company who are all well-versed in this area and the methods they have developed over time.
Why do we bring artefacts to research infrastructures? How do we find a safe place to store artefacts before, during and after the experiment? In terms of insurance and responsibilities, is there a difference between an art piece and an expensive sample? We will address these and many more curious questions during this session.
Join us on 20 May 2021 between 09:00-10:15 CEST to discuss the logistical aspects of researching fragile and precious arts. The speakers and topics of Session 6 are:
- Making the study of precious arts possible at research infrastructures, Claire Pacheco, Head of the New ALGAE Facility, C2RMF, Louvre Museum
- Lessons learnt from 10+ years of studying heritage artefacts at IPANEMA and SOLEIL, Loic Bertrand, Senior Researcher, Université Paris-Saclay & PPSM, CNRS, ENS-Paris-Saclay
- Insuring art on the move, Gloria Rolland, Fine Arts Technical Manager, Siaci Saint Honore
- Moderator of this session will be David Mannes, Applied Materials Group Scientist, Paul Scherrer Institute
- Marie Courselaud, Head of Preventive Conservation, C2RMF, Louvre Museum, will join us for the panel discussion
The RI.Logistica conference is an online event designed for research infrastructures, their users and collaborators, companies in the supply chain management, and governmental authorities to discuss all aspects of logistics critical for research facilities and laboratories.
Register here.