The ILO Network at ESS gets involved in BrightnESS²
LUND – The ESS Network of ILOs was established in 2013 to promote business opportunities at ESS to national industries. Members of the Network have been meeting twice a year to keep in close contact with ESS and get a good understanding of procedures related to industrial engagement. The meeting in March 2019 provided ILOs with the latest news from Accelerator, Target, and the Neutron Scattering Systems.
BrightnESS² aims to further evolve the ILO Network by developing a long-term strategy to utilize the Network for innovation activities at ESS. This will be done through online surveys, expert interviews, and interactive workshops. Another goal is to foster cross-border collaboration between ILO members, and indirectly increase competitiveness of national industries.
During the meeting, ILOs agreed to organise a workshop to discuss the way towards these goals. The 2-day workshop will be hosted by the Hungarian ILO in June 2019. In addition, up to three working groups will be set up to develop strategies for operations, assess the potential for the engagement of industry as a co-creator, encourage industrial users to use the future ESS facility for their R&D, define opportunities for long-term educational activities etc.
Feedback from the working groups will be discussed during the next ILO meeting, which will take place in September 2019. A report assessing the evolvement potential of the Network will be ready in early 2020.