Work Package 2: A strategy to deliver neutrons for Europe and beyond
Work Package 2 aims to define the best way to provide neutron instrumentation, associated characterisation methods and analysis tools in a strategic and coordinated fashion to the European user community and beyond. The specific task objectives of WP2 are:
- Establishing a common roadmap and implementation strategy for future neutron capability in terms of the instrumentation available at neutron facilities and their partners, while taking into consideration global perspectives,
- Defining and reporting the needs of the user communities in terms of new neutron-based methods in alignment with the ESS facility capabilities. Regular updates will be provided when needed,
- Exploring and implementing new ways of working for the most efficient usage of neutrons through two pilots, an experimentally-validated Neutron Quality Label for residual stress, and strengthened soft matter and life sciences with deuterated samples, respectively.
MS04: First workshop in South Africa - M10
MS09: Meeting to collect international input - M13
MS10: Second workshop in South Africa - M22
MS13: Specifications and requirements ready - M18
MS14: Presentation of D2.3 by ENSA in preparation of D2.5 - M19
MS20: First experimental results based on the engineering and life sciences pilots - M30