Rafał Prokopowicz
Rafał Prokopowicz
Rafał Prokopowicz, Ph.D. is the Head of the MARIA Reactor Research Division in National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), Otwock-Świerk, Poland. The Division is responsible for reactor measurements, experiments, and certain safety analyses.
Rafał received his MSc degree (2004) in technical physics from Warsaw University of Technology and PhD (2013) in nuclear physics from Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Science. From the very beginning of his work, he has focused on neutron physics, mostly on neutron measurements – especially by means of the activation methods – both in fission and fusion facilities and on neutron transport calculations. He has experience in reactor physics, reactor measurements and experiments, radiation measurements and spent nuclear fuel management. He is also involved in fusion researches. In years 2006-2013 he spent 50 weeks in Joint European Tokamak (JET), UKAEA, Culham, in Oxfordshire, the UK as Euratom-EFDA secondee in neutron diagnostic group, participating in neutron measurements and neutron diagnostics calibration. Currently he is also involved in IFMIF-DONES project aiming at building high-performance neutron source in Andalusia.
For the last 15 years, he works in a reactor measurement group in NCBJ, Świerk. Since 2013 he has been a head of the MARIA Reactor Measurements and Analysis Group in NCBJ. Rafał is involved in the development of competence in the construction of new neutron sources of various energies, in terms of their use in pure science and applications.