Erwin Jericha
Erwin Jericha
Erwin Jericha is Assistant Professor at the TU Wien, working since 1998 as senior researcher in the neutron and quantum physics group of the Atominstitut. He has a long time experience in developments of methods and instrumentation in experimental neutron physics. Specific research interests comprise topics in neutron optics, polarized neutrons, polarized neutron instrumentation, (ultra-)small-angle neutron scattering, magnetic neutron scattering, fundamental neutron interactions, the application of neutron interactions in novel developments of nuclear technology and in nuclear astrophysics. He has long-term experience in international cooperations with partners at the Institut Laue Langevin – Grenoble, ISIS Facility – UK, Paul Scherrer Institut – Switzerland, Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, reactor FRM II – Munich, and Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (European Commisson Joint Research Centre) – Geel, and is a member of the neutron time-of-flight collaboration n_TOF at CERN, and of the PERC collaboration for high precision studies of neutron beta decay. He has wide experience in various programmes of the European Commission: Perfect Crystal Neutron Optics PECNO (FP4), ADS Nuclear Data (FP5) and the Neutron and Muon Integrated Infrastructure Initiative NMI3 (FP6 and FP7).
Erwin Jericha is author and coauthor of almost 200 publications in experimental neutron physics in peer reviewed journals. In his doctoral thesis he developed a perfect crystal resonator for cold and thermal neutrons in a collaboration of the Atominstitut and the ISIS pulsed neutron source.